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Vigara Zafra, José Antonio . (2011) La academia como paradigma de ascenso profesional : el caso del pintor Diego Monroy.  0.45 853 2018
Pérez-Rojo, Gema, López, Javier, Noriega, Cristina, Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel y Velasco, Cristina . (2021) Validation of the professional good care scale in nursing homes (GCS-NH).  0.45 45 17
Cabanillas Casafranca, África . (2008) Las mujeres y la crítica de arte en España (1875-1936).  0.45 693 1505
Pacheco Jiménez, César . (2001) Símbolos de poder y su expresión en el mundo urbano del siglo XVI : la villa de Talavera y su señor el arzobispo de Toledo.  0.45 865 1935
Mateo Leivas, Lidia y Kerangat, Zoé de . (2018) The limits of remembrance during the Spanish Transition: Questioning the ‘Pact of Oblivion’ through the analysis of a censored film and a mass-grave exhumation.  0.45 65 13
Simón Valencia, María Esperanza . (2014) La historia del papel en la Castilla medieval: el archivo de la Catedral y la judería de Burgos en el siglo XIV = The history of paper in medieval Castile: The archive of the Cathedral and the jewry of Burgos in the fourteenth century.  0.45 559 563
Monago Maraña,Olga, Domínguez Manzano, Jaime, Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio, Durán Merás, Isabel y Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio . (2020) Second-order calibration in combination with fluorescence fibre-optic data modelling as a novel approach for monitoring the maturation stage of plums.  0.45 51 16
Ballesteros Álvarez, J.M., Romero Barriuso, A., Villena Escribano, B.M., Rodríguez Sáiz, A. y González-Gaya, C. . (2024) Investigating the effectiveness of a new indoor ventilation model in reducing the spread of disease: A case of sports centres amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  0.45 37 11
Martini, de P.M., Bruins, H.J., Feist, L., Goodman Tchernov, B.N., Hadler, H., Lario, Javier, Mastronuzzi, G., Obrocki, L., Pantosti, D., Paris, R., Reicherter, K., Smedile, A. y Vött, A. . (2021) The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz as a natural laboratory for paleotsunami research: Recent advancements.  0.44 1730 4628
Duque Zumajo, Diego. Nanoscale hydrodynamics near solids . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.44 637 244
Recio-Blanco, A., Laverny, P. de, Palicio, P. A., Kordopatis, G., Álvarez, M. A., Schultheis, M., Sarro Baro, Luis Manuel y et al. . (2023) Gaia Data Release 3: Analysis of RVS spectra using the General Stellar Parametriser from spectroscopy.  0.42 36 40
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Guinduláin-Argandoña, Tomás, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique, Molina-Ibáñez, Enrique-Luis y Blanes-Peiró, Jorge-Juan . (2018) Simulation of modeling of multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants with high voltage direct current grid integration.  0.41 60 11
Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel, Ruiz Fabo, Pablo, González-Blanco García, Elena y Poibeau, Thierry(2017) .Automatic enjambment detection as a new source of evidence in Spanish versification. .En: Basel (Switzerland). ()  0.41 992 166
Seiz, Marta, Salazar, Leire y Eremenko, Tatiana . (2024) Perinatal health in Spain during and after the Great Recession: Educational selection into fertility as a protective factor in high unemployment contexts.  0.41 58 15
Díaz De Cerio Erasun, María . (2012) Los senadores originarios de Lusitania : (1982-2012).  0.41 587 821
Barrios-Bermúdez, Niurka, González Avendaño, Marta, Cerpa Naranjo, Arisbel y Rojas-Cervantes, María Luisa . (2020) Fe-Cu Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Fenton-like Degradation of Paracetamol Under Mild Conditions.  0.41 45 15
Marcos, Jose D., Lizarte, Raquel, Varela, Fernando, Palacios-Lorenzo, Maria E. y Blanco-Marigorta, Ana M. . (2018) A solar air-cooled high efficiency absorption system in dry hot climates: Reduction of water consumption and environmental impact.  0.41 55 15
Rodríguez-Prieto A., Camacho, Ana M., Aragón, Ana M., Sebasián, Miguel A. y Yanguas-Gil, Ángel . () Polymers Selection for Harsh Environments to Be Processed Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques.  0.41 54 12
Domínguez Manzano, Jaime, Monago Maraña, Olga, Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio y Durán Merás, Isabel . (2022) Monitoring of chlorophylls during the maturation stage of plums by multivariate calibration of RGB data from digital images.  0.41 44 15
López-Tolsa, Gabriela E. y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2021) Assessment of the “timing” function of schedule-induced behavior on fixed-interval performance..  0.41 62 13
Chamizo González, Francisco, Monago Maraña, Olga, Galeano Díaz, Teresa y Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio . (2017) Determination of Quercetin and Luteolin in Paprika Samples by Voltammetry and Partial Least Squares Calibration.  0.41 46 14
Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Angel, Delgado, Begoña y Holgado-Tello, Francisco Pablo . () Children’s Temperament: A Bridge between Mothers’ Parenting and Aggression.  0.41 42 11
Manya Orellana, Marlon Vicente y González Rabanal, Miryam de la Concepción . (2022) The International Economic Double Taxation of Dividens: Its handing in The Convention between Ecuador and Spain. Journal of Tax Administration.  0.41 64 28
Labajos, María José, Calcagni, Gianluca y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2023) Mutual facilitation between activity-based anorexia and schedule-induced polydipsia in rats.  0.41 55 10
García-Domínguez, Amabel, Claver, Juan, María Camacho, Ana y Sebastián, Miguel A. . (2020) Analysis of General and Specific Standardization Developments in Additive Manufacturing From a Materials and Technological Approach.  0.41 44 20
Rodríguez Llera, Ramón . (2002) R. Wittkower y el Palladianismo inglés.  0.41 753 3115
Gómez Navarro, Soledad . (2011) Bajo las alas del poder: gracias, mercedes y privilegios de los reyes españoles a los jerónimos cordobeses durante el antiguo régimen = Under the wings of power. Graces, “Mercedes” and Privileges granted by the Spanish Kings to the Cordovans Jeromes during the Old Regime.  0.41 531 124
Baena Preysler, Javier and Carrión Santafé, Elena . (1999) El Habario : un yacimiento musteriense al aire libre en los Picos de Europa cántabros.  0.41 663 1790
Navares Echegaray, Ricardo. (2016). Forecasting Airborne Pollen Concentrations through Random Forests Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial.  0.41 335 49
Fernández Olit, Beatriz, Ruza, Cristina, Cuesta, Marta de la y Matilla García, Mariano . (2019) Banks and financial discrimination: what can be learnt from the spanish experience?.  0.41 101 30
Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel, Gil-Jaurena, Inés y Morentin-Encina, Javier . (2022) The Impact of Rapid Adoption of Online Assessment on Students’ Performance and Perceptions: Evidence from a Distance Learning University.  0.41 104 13
Chaquet, José M., Carmona, Enrique J. y Corral, Roque . (2012) Using genetic algorithms to improve the thermodynamic efficiency of gas turbines designed by traditional methods.  0.41 45 18
Vasquez Espinoza, Luis, Castillo Cara, Manuel y Orozco Barbosa, Luis . (2021) On the relevance of the metadata used in the semantic segmentation of indoor image spaces.  0.41 30 13
Díaz Lafuente, José . (2014) El derecho de asilo por motivos de orientación sexual e identidad de género = The right to asylum on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.  0.41 845 416
Pérez-Martín, Jorge, Artaso, Miguel A. y Díez, Francisco J. . (2017) Cost-effectiveness of Pediatric Bilateral Cochlear Implantation in Spain.  0.41 566 689
Rodríguez Martín de los Santos, Jesús. On the existence of abelian groups of automorphisms of Klein surfaces . 2017. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.39 557 213
Asensio Rubio, Francisco . (2002) La educación en Almagro en el siglo XVIII.  0.39 729 1588
Groppi, Tania and Lecis Cocco-Ortu, Anna Maria . (2014) Las referencias recíprocas entre el Tribunal Europeo y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: ¿de la influencia al diálogo? = The cross references between the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Hights: from the influence to the dialogue?.  0.39 646 141
Román-González, Marcos, Pérez-González, Juan Carlos, Moreno-León, Jesús y Robles, Gregorio . (2018) Can computational talent be detected? Predictive validity of the Computational Thinking Test.  0.39 53 45
Nieto Gómez, Carla Isabel, Cabildo Miranda, María del Pilar, Cornago, María del Pilar, Sanz, D., Claramunt, R. M., Alkorta, I., Elguero, J., Garcia, J. A., Lopez, A. y Acuna-Castroviejo, D. . (2015) Synthesis, structure and biological activity of 3(5)-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazoles derived from hemicurcuminoids.  0.39 61 15
García Mayor, M. Asunción, Paniagua González, Gema, Soledad-Rodríguez, B.E., Garcinuño Martínez, Rosa María, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand-Alegría, J.S. . (2015) Occurrence of erythromycin residues in sheep milk. Validation of an analytical method.  0.36 39 13
Ucha, Marcos, Roura‑Martínez, David, Santos‑Toscano, Raquel y et al. . (2022) Effects of heroin self‑administration and forced withdrawal on the expression of genes related to the mTOR network in the basolateral complex of the amygdala of male Lewis rats.  0.36 34 16
Bou, Félix y Rivieccio, Umberto . (2011) The logic of distributive bilattices.  0.36 45 11
Vidal Calés, Daniel. Evolution of sauropod dinosaur postcranial biomechanics: A virtual paleontology approach . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.36 812 1175
Betancor Nuez, Gomer. Procesos de difusión de la protesta e interrelaciones entre movimientos sociales. El caso de la influencia de movimientos sociales previos al 15M en Madrid . 2021. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Sociología: Cambio Social en Sociedades Contemporáneas  0.36 456 103

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