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García Amilburu, María y Ruiz Corbella, Marta . (2011) Philosophy of Education and Education in Competences in the Context of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).  1.35 686 2337
Coderch, Marion (2022). Gender-Sensitive Mentoring of Modern Languages’ Women Teachers in UK Higher Education. En Gender-Sensitive Mentoring of Modern Languages’ Women Teachers in UK Higher Education (pp. -) Oxford Brookes University.  1.22 41 12
González Boticario, Jesús . (2005) Changing technological infrastructure and services in higher education : towards a student-centred approach.  1.18 643 688
Coderch, Marion . (2021) An initial assessment of the academic and professional profile of modern foreign languages’ teachers in UK higher education.  1.09 45 14
Goig Martínez, Juan Manuel and Gobbo Coin, Valentina . (2012) El derecho fundamental a una educación de calidad : especial consideración a la educación superior a distancia como estrategia institucional para potenciar la calidad educativa = The fundamental right to a quality education : special consideration for higher education as a corporate strategy to enhance the quality of education.  1.08 679 963
Cooperman, Larry . (2014) From elite to mass to universal higher education: from distance to open education = De la educación superior de elite a la masiva universal: de educación a distancia a la abierta.  0.99 572 316
Redondo Duarte, Sara . (2008) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. European glossary on education. Volume 5. Decision-making, advisory, operational and regulatory bodies in higher education. Bruselas: Unidad europea de Eurydice, 2007.  0.99 509 93
Gil-Jaurena, Inés y Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel . (2020) Learning outcomes based assessment in distance higher education. A case study.  0.98 84 26
Benedí Pérez, Natalia . (2011) RESEÑA de : EURYDICE. Focus on higher education in Europe 2010 : the impact of the Bologna process. Bruselas : Agencia Ejecutiva en el ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA P9 Eurydice), 2010.  0.97 422 260
García-Romanillos, Ignacio . (2000) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Two decades of reform in higher education in Europe. Bruselas: Unidad Europea de Eurydice, 2000.  0.97 423 60
Belarra, Ione . (2014) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe : access, retention and employability. Brussels : EACEA, 2014..  0.97 470 171
Hernández Pina, Fuensanta and Hervás Avilés, Rosa María . (2005) Enfoques y estilos de aprendizaje en educación superior = Learning approaches and styles in higher education.  0.97 537 366
Nokkala, Terhi . (2006) Knowledge Society Discourse in Internationalisation of Higher Education: case study in Governmentality.  0.97 509 396
Vieira, Maria J and Vidal, Javier . (2006) Tendencias de la Educación Superior Europea e implicaciones para la orientacion umversitaria = Trends in European Higher Education and implications for student support and guidance..  0.97 434 421
Fejes, Andreas . (2006) The Bologna process - governing higher education in Europe through standardisation.  0.97 445 187
. (2010) Construcción del conocimiento en Educación Superior a través del aprendizaje por proyectos = Knowledge building in Higher Education through project-based learning.  0.97 495 188
Loma, Amparo de la . (2012) RESEÑA de : EURYDICE. The European Higher Education Area in 2012 : Bologna Process Implementation Report. Brussels : EACEA, 2012.  0.97 433 469
Bautista Liébana, Juan Ramón . (2002) RESEÑA de : Garrison, D.R.; Archar, W. A. Transactional perspective on teaching and learning : a framework for adult and higher education. Oxford : Pergamon, 2000.  0.97 397 124
Ruiz Rosillo, María Auxiliadora . (2012) RESEÑA de : Eurydice. Modernization of Higher Education in Europe : Funding and the Social Dimension. Brussels : European Commission, 2011.  0.97 492 340
Tovar Caro, Edmundo y Lesko, Igor . (2014) Analysis of successful modes for the implementation and use of Open Course Ware (OCW) and Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education. The virtual mobility case = Análisis de experiencias de éxito en la implantación y uso de recursos educativo.  0.95 573 502
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel, Arguedas Sanz, Raquel y López Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio-visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.88 59 13
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz-Gómez, Luis L., Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel y López-Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio–visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.88 83 67
Tsegay, Samson M. . (2016) El papel de la educación superior en el desarrollo de la ciudadanía global en Eritrea.  0.87 508 171
Fernández Blázquez, Miguel Angel . (2008) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Focus on the structure of higher education in Europe 2006/07. National trends in the Bologna process. Bruselas: Unidad europea de Eurydice, 2007.  0.87 414 68
Tiernes Cruz, Cristina . (2006) RESEÑA de: EURYDICE. Focus en the structure of Higher Education in Europe 2004/05: National Trends in the Bologna Process. Bruselas: Unidad Europea de Eurydice, 2005.  0.87 412 167
Vaíllo Rodríguez, María . (2008) RESEÑA de: Comisión europea. Key data on higher education in Europe. Bruselas: Oficina de publicaciones oficiales de la Unión Europea, 2007.  0.87 403 63
Esquembre Martínez, Francisco, Salzmann, Christophe, Gillet, Denis, Rekik, Yassin y Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián . (2007) Comprehensive Collaborative Web-based Experimentation: Integration of Teleoperation and Simulation for Supporting Active Learning in Higher Education.  0.87 688 288
Cacheiro González, María Luz, Rodrigo, C., Laherran, G. y Del Olmo, A. . (2006) Open and Distance Learning Methodologies in Higher Education.  0.87 883 317
Martínez Mesones, Noelia . (2005) RESEÑA de: Eurydice. Focus on the Ssructure of Higher Education in Europe 2003/04: national Trends in the Bolognia Process. Bruselas: Unidad Europea de EURYDICE, 2004.  0.87 426 88
Lima, Rosário and Fraga, Sandra . (2010) Adaptability in Higher Education: A new look at a follow-up study = Adaptabilidad en La Educación Superior: revisión de un estudio de seguimiento.  0.87 491 211
Senra Silva, Inmaculada . (2022) From language teaching to language assessment With the help of technological resources: Higher Education students and oral production.  0.87 70 16
Karseth, Berit . (2006) Curriculum restructuring in Higher Education after the Bologna Process: a new pedagogic regime?.  0.87 471 1101
Sánchez Barea, Fermín y Comella Gutiérrez, Beatriz . (2012) Some highlights of education in christian Spain the late medieval period.  0.86 782 229
Gil-Jaurena, Inés y Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel . (2018) Teachers’ roles in light of massive open online courses (MOOCs): Evolution and challenges in higher distance education.  0.83 81 42
Coderch, Marion . (2022) The power of gender-sensitive mentoring.  0.82 48 14
Tomusk, Voldemar . (2006) Melancholy and power, knowledge and propaganda: discussing the contribution of the Bologna Process to Higher Educatión Research in Europe.  0.81 478 182
Cózar Gutiérrez, Ramón y Sáez López, José Manuel . (2016) Game-based learning and gamification in initial teacher training in the social sciences: an experiment with MinecraftEdu.  0.76 314 230
Fernández García, Carmen María, Hernández García, Jesús and Rodríguez Pérez, Sara . (2014) Género y preferencias profesionales en universitarios de estudios científico-tecnológicos = Gender and vocational preferences in students of scientific–technological higher education areas.  0.76 636 297
Moreno Murcia, Juan Antonio, Aracil, Adolfo and Reina, Raúl . (2014) La cesión de responsabilidad en la evaluación: una estrategia adaptada al espacio europeo de educación superior = Assignment to the students of responsibility on evaluation: a teaching strategy adapted to the european higher education area.  0.76 664 228
Aznar Minguet, Pilar, Ull, M. Angels, Piñero, Albert and Martínez-Agut, M. Pilar . (2014) La sostenibilidad en la formación universitaria: desafíos y oportunidades = Sustainability in higher education: challenges and opportunities.  0.76 565 189
Sáez López, José-Manuel, Miyata, Yoshiro y Domínguez-Garrido, Mª Concepción . (2016) Creative Coding and Intercultural Projects in Higher Education: a Case Study in Three Universities.  0.76 649 74
Caballero Hernández-Pizarro, Mª Ángeles . (2007) La adaptación al espacio europeo de Educación Superior como escenario para la reflexión sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario: algunas propuestas para un cambio significativo=The European Higher Education area (Bolonia Process) as a context for reflection about teaching-learning processes at university level: some proposals for a significant change.  0.76 464 86
Sánchez Cañizares, Sandra María, Santos Roldán, Luna María, Fuentes García, Fernando J. and Núñez Tabales, Julia M. . (2015) Enseñanza-aprendizaje por competencias en la Educación Superior : la construcción de casos de empresa = Teaching-learning skills for Higher Education : development of business case studies.  0.76 723 187
Quevedo-Blasco, Raúl, Ariza, Tania and Buela-Casal, Gualberto . (2015) Evaluación de la satisfacción del profesorado de ciencias con la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior = Assessment of science teachers’ satisfaction with the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area.  0.76 658 121
Sáez López, José Manuel, Miyata, Yoshiro y Domínguez Garrido, María Concepción . (2016) Creative Coding and Intercultural Projects in Higher Education: a Case Study in Three Universities.  0.76 265 30
Tello Díaz-Maroto, Inmaculada, Miguel Barcala, Lourdes de y López Carrillo, María Dolores . (2012) Entornos personales de aprendizaje en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior = (Personal learning environments in the European Higher Education).  0.76 602 1514
Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, Jastrzebska, Olga, Olmos, Ricardo y León, Jose A. . (2019) Automated summary evaluation with inbuilt rubric method: An alternative to constructed responses and multiple-choice tests assessments.  0.75 46 20
Seiz, Marta, Salazar, Leire y Eremenko, Tatiana . (2024) Perinatal health in Spain during and after the Great Recession: Educational selection into fertility as a protective factor in high unemployment contexts.  0.75 58 15
Chacón Beltrán, Rubén y Echitchi, Raymond . (2021) Who Wants to Learn English Online for Free?.  0.73 61 12
Tejada Fernández, José y Ruiz Bueno, Carmen . (2016) Evaluación de competencias profesionales en educación superior: retos e implicaciones.  0.62 4077 3226

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