Search Results (All Fields:"Mechanization", Author:"León, Manuel de")

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Jiménez Morales, Víctor Manuel y León, Manuel de . (2021) The evolution equation: an application of groupoids to material evolution.  2.98 32 19
León, Manuel de, Epstein, Marcelo y Jiménez Morales, Víctor Manuel, Material Geometry: Groupoids in Continuum Mechanics. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2021 ()  2.68 45  
León, Manuel de, Jiménez, Víctor Manuel y Lainz Valcázar, Manuel . (2021) Contact Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with nonholonomic constraints.  2.64 54 18
Jiménez, Víctor Manuel, León, Manuel de y Epstein, Marcelo . (2022) Characteristic foliations of material evolution: from remodeling to aging.  2.51 37 19
Jiménez Morales, Víctor Manuel, León, Manuel de y Epstein, Marcelo . (2018) Lie groupoids and algebroids applied to the study of uniformity and homogeneity of material bodies.  2.51 33 10
Jiménez Morales, Víctor Manuel, León, Manuel de y Epstein, Marcelo . (2017) Material distributions.  2.51 37 17