Search Results (All Fields:"Mechanization", Journal Name:"IEEE Access")

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Lovón Melgarejo, Jesús, Castillo Cara, Manuel, Huarcaya Canal, Oscar, Orozco Barbos, Luis y García Varea, Ismael . (2019) Comparative Study of Supervised Learning and Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Development of Bluetooth-Based Indoor Localization Mechanisms.  6.91 53 20
Merayo, David, Rodríguez Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2020) Prediction of Physical and Mechanical Properties for Metallic Materials Selection Using Big Data and Artificial Neural Networks.  6.90 43  
Rodríguez-Prieto A., Camacho, Ana M., Aragón, Ana M., Sebasián, Miguel A. y Yanguas-Gil, Ángel . () Polymers Selection for Harsh Environments to Be Processed Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques.  6.82 54 12
García-Domínguez, Amabel, Claver, Juan, María Camacho, Ana y Sebastián, Miguel A. . (2020) Analysis of General and Specific Standardization Developments in Additive Manufacturing From a Materials and Technological Approach.  6.78 44 20
Castejón, Federico y Carmona, Enrique J. . (2020) Introducing modularity and homology in grammatical evolution to address the analog electronic circuit design problem.  6.73 39 12