Search Results (All Fields:"Spanish language", Display Type:"Ponencia de Congreso")

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Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel, Ruiz Fabo, Pablo, González-Blanco García, Elena y Poibeau, Thierry(2017) .Automatic enjambment detection as a new source of evidence in Spanish versification. .En: Basel (Switzerland). ()  1.96 992 166
Bel, Núria, González-Blanco García, Elena y Iruskieta, Mikel() .CLARIN Centro-K-español = Spanish CLARIN K-Centre. .En: Salamanca. ()  1.95 706 117
Ruiz Fabo, Pablo, Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel y Poibeau, Thierry(2017) .Distant Rhythm: Automatic Enjambment Detection on Four Centuries of Spanish Sonnets. .En: Montreal (Canada). ()  1.95 645 113
González-Blanco García, Elena(2016) .TEIScribe: A graphic tool for composing and testing TEI documents in the context of the EVI-LINHD environment. .En: Viena (Austria). ()  1.73 1062 166