Search Results (All Fields:"Teacher Education", Keywords:"Historia")

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Higueras Castañeda, Eduardo, Sánchez, Raquel (ed) y Martínez-Vilches, David (ed) (2021). Education in the public sphere: the construction of the reputation of primary teachers in mid-19th century Spain. En Education in the public sphere: the construction of the reputation of primary teachers in mid-19th century Spain (pp. -) Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021.  1.90 57  
Asensio Rubio, Francisco . (2002) La educación en Almagro en el siglo XVIII.  0.87 729 1588
Moro Ipola, Milagros . (2010) El fresco de la casa de Iulia Felix : anatomía de una scho.  0.79 660 2008