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Camacho Conde, José Antonio y Galán López, José Manuel . (2020) Depression and Cognitive Impairment in Institutionalized Older Adults.  1.07 37 16
López-Higes, Ramón, Martín-Aragoneses, María Teresa, Rubio-Valdehita, Susana, Delgado-Losada, María L., Montejo, Pedro, Montenegro, Mercedes, Prados, José M., Frutos-Lucas, Jaisalmer y López-Sanz, David . (2018) Efficacy of Cognitive Training in Older Adults with and without Subjective Cognitive Decline Is Associated with Inhibition Efficiency and Working Memory Span, Not with Cognitive Reserve..  1.06 51 12
Martín-Aragoneses, María Teresa, Mejuto, Gema, Rio, David del, Fernandes, Sara Margarida, Rodrigues, Pedro E.S. y López-Higes, Ramón . (2023) Task Demands and Sentence Reading Comprehension among Healthy Older Adults: The Complementary Roles of Cognitive Reserve and Working Memory.  0.96 48 16
Potthoff, Sebastian, Garnefski, Nadia, Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier y et al. . (2016) Cognitive emotion regulation and psychopathology across cultures: A comparison between six European countries.  0.87 55  
Rieker, Jennifer Angelika. The effects of bilingualism and multidomain training on cognitive processes in older adults . 2022. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Salud  0.86 184 54
Terol Muñoz, Jessica (2023). The Wife's Lament. A Cognitive Journey into the Discovery of its Core Meaning,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.86 320 48
Peña Cervel, Sandra . (2001) A cognitive approach to the role of body parts in the conceptualization of emotion metaphors.  0.86 577 2956
Morales Domínguez, Zaira . (2013) Intervención cognitivo-conductual en un caso de tricotilomanía = Cognitive - behavioral intervention in a case of trichotillomania.  0.86 593 527
Navarro Leis, Manuela and López Hernández-Ardieta, Marcos . (2013) Terapias cognitivo conductuales para el tratamiento de los trastornos de personalidad = Cognitive behavioral therapies for the treatment of personality disorders.  0.86 640 365
Rodríguez Moya, Laura and Fernández Belinchón, Cristina . (2013) Psicoterapia cognitivo analítica y trastornos de la personalidad : revisión = Cognitive analitic psychotherapy and personality disorders : review.  0.86 541 295
Sacristán Romero, Francisco . (2008) Diferencias cognitivas en el proceso de aprendizaje de la lectura = Cognitive differences in the process of learning how to read.  0.86 414 125
Roldán Castro, Josefa . (2011) A cognitive-pragmatic análisis in British and American News.  0.86 569 729
Armero Sanjosé, Julio César . (2009) RESEÑA de : Lloyd, G.E.R. Cognitive variations : reflections on the unity and diversity of the human mind. Clarendon, 2006.  0.86 528 354
Gómez, Juan Carlos . (2010) The emergence of eye contact as an intersubjective signal in an infant gorilla : implications for models of early social cognition.  0.86 674 317
Díez Velasco, Olga Isabel . (2002) Body part metonymies in action and perception frames: a cognitive analysis..  0.86 694 8073
Richard H. Vranesh(2004) .Guidelines for Writing more exact specifications for Acquisition of E-learning training programs for advanced cognitive skills. .En: . ()  0.86 473 99
Garrocho Salcedo, Diego S. . (2013) La dimensión cognitiva de las pasiones : la vigencia de Aristóteles en la psicología moral contemporánea = The cognition of passions : the contemporary relevance of the Aristotelian thought in moral psychology.  0.86 579 1021
Fernández Álvarez, Lucía. (2020). The teaching of metaphors and metonymies of the football field from the point of view of cognitive linguistics Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología  0.83 449 863
González Machorro, Mónica y Martínez Tomás, Rafael (2022). A Comparison of Feature-based Classifiers and Transfer Learning Approaches for Cognitive Impairment Recognition in Language. En A Comparison of Feature-based Classifiers and Transfer Learning Approaches for Cognitive Impairment Recognition in Language (pp. -) Springer.  0.83 49  
Periáñez, José A., Lubrini, Genny, García-Gutiérrez, Ana y Ríos-Lago, Marcos . (2020) Construct Validity of the Stroop Color-Word Test: Influence of Speed of Visual Search, Verbal Fluency, Working Memory, Cognitive Flexibility, and Conflict Monitoring.  0.83 44 216
Igartua, Juan-José, Moral-Toranzo, Félix y Fernández Sedano, Itziar . (2011) Cognitive, Attitudinal, and Emotional Effects of News Frame and Group Cues, on Processing News About Immigration.  0.82 40 9
Pérez-González, Juan Carlos, Filella, Gemma, Soldevila, Anna, Faiad, Yasmine y Sanchez-Ruiz, MariaJose . (2022) Integrating self-regulated learning and individual differences in the prediction of university academic achievement across a three-year-long degree.  0.79 58 24
Gómez-Valadés Batanero, Alba, Martínez Tomás, Rafael y Rincón, Mariano . (2021) Integrative Base Ontology for the Research Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Mild Cognitive Impairment.  0.77 43 12
Carrera, Pilar, Caballero, Amparo, Muñoz, Dolores, Marta González-Iraizoz y Fernández Sedano, Itziar . (2014) Construal level as a moderator of the role of affective and cognitive attitudes in the prediction of health-risk behavioural intentions.  0.77 41 20
Díaz Mardomingo, Mª del Carmen y Peraita Adrados, Herminia . (2008) Neuropsychological evaluation and cognitive evolution of a bilingual Alzheimer patient.  0.77 564 1217
Díaz Mardomingo, Mª del Carmen . (2012) Evaluación de la cognición, la conducta y la funcionalidad de las personas mayores dependientes en los centros residenciales = Assessment of cognition, behaviour and functionality of dependent elderly people in residential centers.  0.77 515 193
Sáez López, José Manuel and Ruiz Ruiz, José María . (2012) Metodología didáctica y tecnología educativa en el desarrollo de las competencias cognitivas: aplicación en contextos universitarios = Teaching methodology and educational technology in the development of cognitive competences: implementation in university contexts.  0.77 538 84
Pascual Aransáez, Cristina . (1999) A cognitive analysis of the cross-linguistic differences between english and spanish motion verbs and its implications for the foreign translation..  0.77 667 2085
Quiroga Méndez, María del Pilar . (2013) El innatismo moral, un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo moral, aportaciones desde la cognición y la neurociencia = The moral nativism, a new paradigm of moral development, contributions from the cognition and neuroscience.  0.77 530 190
González Olivares, Ángel Luis and Martín-Serrano, Rosario Cruz . (2013) Programa Almida : programa de mejora de las competencias sociocognitivas en personas con capacidades diferentes = Almida program : improvement program of social - cognitive skills in people with different abilities.  0.77 486 292
Román-González, Marcos, Pérez-González, Juan Carlos, Moreno-León, Jesús y Robles, Gregorio . (2018) Extending the nomological network of computational thinking with non-cognitive factors.  0.73 53 49
Martín-Aragoneses, María Teresa, Rio, David del, López-Higes, Ramón, Prados, José María, Montejo, Pedro y Delgado-Losada, María Luisa (2020). Sentence reading in older adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment: The role of Working Memory and Interference Control. En Sentence reading in older adults with and without Mild Cognitive Impairment: The role of Working Memory and Interference Control (pp. -) John Benjamins Publishing Company.  0.72 59  
Nevado, Ángel, Rio, David del, Martín-Aragoneses, María Teresa, Prados, José M. y López-Higes, Ramón . () Preserved semantic categorical organization in mild cognitive impairment: A network analysis of verbal fluency.  0.72 44  
Gómez Castejón, Mª Ángeles . (2012) Conceptualization in the english gerund and its spanish equivalents: a contrastive cognitive study.  0.72 488 1625
Sorrel, Miguel A., Escudero, Scarlett, Nájera, Pablo, Schames Kreitchmann, Rodrigo y Vázquez-Lira, Ramsés . (2023) Exploring Approaches for Estimating Parameters in Cognitive Diagnosis Models with Small Sample Sizes.  0.72 38 18
Delgado, Begoña, Amor, Pedro J., Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier y Holgado‑Tello, Francisco P. . (2023) Relationship between adult attachment and cognitive emotional regulation style in women and men.  0.72 49 17
Holgado-Tello, Fco. Pablo, Amor, Pedro J., Lasa-Aristu, Amaia, Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier y Delgado, Begoña . (2018) Two new brief versions of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and its relationships with depression and anxiety.  0.72 53 13
Gallego Bordallo, Ana (2022). Framing the pandemic: A cognitive poetic approach to health communication,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.68 225 99
Sarmiento Campos, José Antonio, Ocampo Gómez, Camilo Isaac and Cid Sabucedo, Alfonso . (2009) Construcción y validación de un instrumento diagnóstico para la representación cognitiva de la Orientación Psicopedagógica en Galicia = Construction and validation of a diagnostic instrument for the cognitive representation of the Guidance in Galicia.  0.68 496 253
Pérez Marques, Daniel (2020). The underpinnings of dystopia: a cognitive poetic approach to Huxley’s “Brave New World”,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.68 457 263
Lubrini, Genny, Martín-Montes, A., Díez-Ascaso, O. y Díez-Tejedor, Exuperio . (2018) Brain disease, connectivity, plasticity and cognitive therapy: A neurological view of mental disorders.  0.68 49 19
Lasa-Aristu, Amaia, Delgado-Egido, Begoña, Holgado-Tello, Francisco P., Amor, Pedro J. y Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier . (2019) Profiles of Cognitive Emotion Regulation and their Association with Emotional Traits.  0.68 47 19
Cuesta-González, Marta de la, Fernández-Olit, Beatriz, Orenes-Casanova, Isabel y Paredes-Gázquez, Juan Diego . (2022) Affective and cognitive factors that hinder the banking relationships of economically vulnerable consumers.  0.68 386 486
Botella Arbona, Cristina, Bretón-López, Juana, Serrano Zárate, Berenice, García-Palacios, Azucena, Quero, Soledad y Baños Rivera, Rosa María . (2014) Treatment of flying phobia using virtual reality exposure with or without cognitive restructuring: participants’ preferences.  0.68 1047 506
García-Escalera, Julia, Chorot, Paloma, Valiente, Rosa M., Reales, José M. y Sandín, Bonifacio . (2016) Efficacy of transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression in adults, children and adolescents: A meta-analysis.  0.68 3888 2835
Prado Abril, Javier, García Campayo, Javier and Sánchez Reales, Sergio . (2013) Funcionamiento de la terapia cognitivo-interpersonal en los trastornos de la personalidad : estudio de dos casos = Efficacy of interpersonal-cognitive therapy in personality disorders : two cases.  0.68 558 1382
Lubrini, Genny, Periáñez, José A., Fernández-Fournier, Mireya, Tallón Barranco, Antonio, Díez-Tejedor, Exuperio, Frank García, Ana y Ríos-Lago, Marcos . (2020) Identifying Perceptual, Motor, and Cognitive Components Contributing to Slowness of Information Processing in Multiple Sclerosis with and without Depressive Symptoms.  0.66 47 19
Schames Kreitchmann, Rodrigo, Torre, Jimmy de la, Sorrel, Miguel A., Nájera, pablo y Abad, Francisco J. . (2023) Improving reliability estimation in cognitive diagnosis modeling.  0.66 44 12
León, J. A., Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, Moreno, J. D. y Martín, L. A . (2023) Strong versus weak embodiment: Spatial iconicity in physical, abstract, and social semantic categories.  0.66 46 14
Ruíz Márquez, Eloísa. Video-game training effects on attention and memory in young and older adults. Behavioral results . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología de la Salud  0.61 860 956

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