Search Results (All Fields:"decision", Author:"Camacho, Ana María")

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Fernández , Daniel, Rodríguez-Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2024) Data analytics-driven selection of die material in multimaterial co-extrusion of Ti-Mg alloys.  2.71 59 14
Fernández, Daniel, Rodríguez Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2022) Optimal Parameters Selection in Advanced Multi-Metallic Co-Extrusion Based on Independent MCDM Analytical Approaches and Numerical Simulation.  2.68 31 11
Merayo Fernández, David, Rodríguez Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2020) Prediction of the Bilinear Stress-Strain Curve of Aluminum Alloys Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.  2.68 47 13
Rodríguez-Prieto, Álvaro, Primera, Ernesto, Frigione, Mariaenrica y Camacho, Ana María . (2021) Reliability Prediction of Acrylonitrile O-Ring for Nuclear Power Applications Based on Shore Hardness Measurements.  2.17 47 20