Search Results (All Fields:"labour market")

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Chuliá, Elisa (2016). Ebb and Flow of Early Retirement: Pension Reform and Labour Market Participation of Older Workers in Spain. En Ebb and Flow of Early Retirement: Pension Reform and Labour Market Participation of Older Workers in Spain (pp. -) Springer Nature.  1.32 39  
López Díaz, Elvira y Santos del Cerro, Jesús . (2015) Gender discrimination in the spanish labour market and regulation of the public policies..  1.04 656 248
Manzanares, Asunción, Ulla, Sara and Galván, María José . (2002) La inserción profesional de los licenciados en psicopedagogía de la universidad de Castilla-La Mancha: exploración del perfil del alumnado = Entry into the labour market of psychopedagogy graduate students of the university of Castilla-La Mancha: analysis of the student's profile.  0.91 392 246
Vilà Suñé, Montserrat, Pallisera Díaz, María and Fullana Noell, Judit . (2012) La inclusión laboral de los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual: un reto para la orientación psicopedagógica = Labour market inclusion for young people with learning difficulties: a challenge for psycho-educational guidance.  0.91 598 266
Enache, Nicoleta y González Rabanal, Miryam de la Concepción() .Socio-economic effects of migration of labor force on Spania and Romania. .En: Târgovişte, Rumania. ()  0.84 48 14
Jurado Guerrero, Teresa y Naldini, Manuela . (1996) Is the South so different? Italian and Spanish families in a comparative perspective.  0.83 1086 1643
Santos Preciado, José Miguel . (1998) La diferenciación de áreas de mercado laboral juvenil homogéneas, en el municipio de Getafe.  0.57 639 778