Search Results (All Fields:"modelling", Journal Name:"Mathematics")

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Fullana, Olga, González‑Sánchez, Mariano y Toscano, David . (2021) The Role of Assumptions in Ohlson Model Performance: Lessons for Improving Equity-Value Modeling.  8.06 37 12
Arevalillo, Jorge M. y Navarro, Hilario . (2022) Skewness-Kurtosis Model-Based Projection Pursuit with Application to Summarizing Gene Expression Data.  7.90 47 22
Díez, Francisco Javier, Arias, Manuel, Pérez-Martín, Jorge y Luque, Manuel . (2022) Teaching Probabilistic Graphical Models with OpenMarkov.  7.87 51 20
Fernández , Daniel, Rodríguez-Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2024) Data analytics-driven selection of die material in multimaterial co-extrusion of Ti-Mg alloys.  7.77 59 14
García Pérez, Alfonso . (2022) On robustness for spatio-temporal data.  7.75 56 13
González-Sánchez, Mariano y Morales de Vega, M. Encina . (2021) Influence of Bloomberg’s Investor Sentiment Index: Evidence from European Union Financial Sector.  7.73 37 13