Search Results (All Fields:"pattern", Keywords:"Psicología")

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Magaz, Ana M., Chorot, Paloma, Sandin, Bonifacio, Santed, Miguel A. and Valiente, Rosa M. . (2011) Estilos de apego y acoso entre iguales (bullying) en adolescentes = Attachment patterns and peer bullying in adolescents.  2.80 689 4630
Díaz-Mardomingo, María del Carmen, Utrera, Lucía, Baliyan, Shishir, García-Herranz, Sara, Suárez-Falcón, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez-Fernández, Raquel, Sampedro-Piquero, Patricia, Valencia, Azucena y Venero, César . (2023) Sex-related differences in the associations between diurnal cortisol pattern and social and emotional loneliness in older adults.  2.77 63 19
Fuentes-Verdugo, Esmeralda, López-Tolsa, Gabriela E., Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo y Miguéns, Miguel . (2022) Chronic ∆-9-tetrahydrocannabinol administration delays acquisition of schedule-induced drinking in rats and retains long-lasting effects..  2.73 63 8
Contreras Felipe, Antonio, Suárez-Falcón, Juan C., Caprara, Mariagiovanna y et al. . (2023) Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Complex Postformal Thought Questionnaire: Developmental Pattern and Significance and Its Relationship With Cognitive and Personality Measures.  2.70 57 27
Sainz, Mario . (2023) Identifying hostile versus paternalistic classism profiles: a person-based approach to the study of ambivalent classism.  2.66 44 17
Reina Hidalgo, Antonio Jesús. (2023). Evaluating the Scalar Property of Schedule-Induced Drinking Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Básica I  2.61 400 113
Belmonte Steibel, Gisele, Ruiz-Olivares, Rosario y Herruzo Cabrera, Javier . (2016) Patrón de Conducta Tipo A y B, y su relación con las adicciones conductuales.  2.61 1065 605
Fernández Sedano, Itziar, Carrera, Pilar, Paez, Darío y Sánchez, Flor . (2008) Interdependent self-construal, competitive attitudes, culture and emotional reactions on sadness.  2.57 49 8
Sainz, Mario y Jiménez-Moya, Gloria . (2023) Group Dominance, System Justification, and Hostile Classism: The Ideological Roots of the Perceived Socioeconomic Humanity Gap That Upholds the Income Gap.  2.57 95 50
López-Tolsa, Gabriela E. y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2021) Assessment of the “timing” function of schedule-induced behavior on fixed-interval performance..  2.57 62 13
Íbias, Javier, Daniels, Carter W., Miguéns, Miguel, Pellón, Ricardo y Sanabria, Federico . (2017) The Effect of Methylphenidate on the Microstructure of Schedule-Induced Polydipsia in an animal model of ADHD.  2.57 57 10
Fernández Abascal, Enrique G. y Martín Díaz, María Dolores . (2019) Relations Between Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Specific Aspects of Empathy, and Non-verbal Sensitivity.  2.57 61 20
Fuentes-Verdugo, Esmeralda, López-Tolsa, Gabriela E., Pascual, Raquel y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2023) Environmental enrichment accelerates the acquisition of schedule-induced drinking in rats.  2.57 68 16
Pellón, Ricardo, Íbias, Javier y Killeen, Peter R. . (2018) Delay Gradients for Spout-Licking and Magazine-Entering Induced by a Periodic Food Schedule.  2.57 47  
Caballero González, Amparo, Itziar, Fernández Sedano, Laforet, Bronwyn y Carrera Levillain, Pilar . (2024) The Link between Abstract Thinking Style and Subjective Well-Being: Its Impact when People are in (Real or Perceived) Financial Scarcity.  2.57 43 12
Foucart, Alice, Martin, Clara D., Moreno, Eva M. y Costa, Albert . (2014) Can Bilinguals See It Coming? Word Anticipation in L2 Sentence Reading.  2.57 43  
Moreno, Eva M., Federmeier, Kara D. y Kutas, Marta . (2002) Switching Languages, Switching Palabras (Words): An Electrophysiological Study of Code Switching.  2.57 41  
Sanjuán, Pilar, Magallares, Alejandro, Arranz, Henar y Castro, Almudena . (2022) A longitudinal study on coping and emotional well-being in cardiac patients.  2.57 53 26
Caballero , Amparo, Villar , Sergio, Itziar, Fernández Sedano, Sevillano, Verónica, Gavilán, Pablo y Carrera, Pilar . (2022) Disentangling Emotions during the Coronavirus Outbreak in Spain: Inner Emotions, Descriptive Feeling Rules and Socioemotional Conventions.  2.52 47 14
Lubrini, Genny, Ríos Lago, Marcos, Periañez, José A., Tallón Barranco, Antonio, De Dios, Consuelo, Fernández-Fournier, Mireya, Diez Tejedor, Exuperio y Frank García, Ana . (2016) The contribution of depressive symptoms to slowness of information processing in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.  2.52 46 17
Ruiz, Francisco J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Peña-Vargas, A., Salazar, D. M., Ehring, T., Barreto-Zambrano, M. L. y Gómez-Barreto, M. P. . (2020) Psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender and age-group of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire–Children (PTQ-C) in Colombia.  2.52 62 32
Caballero, Amparo, Fernández Sedano, Itziar, Muñoz, Dolores y Carrera, Pilar . (2014) Cambios evolutivos (14-21 años) en los patrones de ingesta puntual de alcohol en exceso y en sus factores explicativos.  1.78 37 12