Search Results (All Fields:"psychological impact")

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López, Javier, Perez-Rojo, Gema, Noriega, Cristina, Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel y Velasco, Cristina . (2021) Emotional distress among older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak: understanding the longitudinal psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  0.83 41 13
Molina Martínez, Mª Ángeles, Paniagua Granados, Teresa y Fernández-Fernández, Virginia . (2021) Psychological impact of confinement in a sample of older adults: longitudinal study before and during COVID-19.  0.82 54 15
Fernández-Fernández, Virginia, Losada-Baltar, Andrés, Márquez-González, María, Paniagua-Granados, Teresa, Vara-García, Carlos y Luque-Reca, Octavio . (2020) Emotion regulation processes as mediators of the impact of past life events on older adults’ psychological distress.  0.77 65 195
García-López, Cristina, Recio, Patricia, Pozo, Pilar y Sarriá, Encarnación . (2021) Psychological Distress, Disorder Severity, and Perception of Positive Contributions in Couples Raising Individuals With Autism.  0.77 52 19
López, J., Perez-Rojo, G., Noriega, Cristina, Carretero, I., Velasco, Cristina, Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, López-Frutos, P. y Galarraga, Leyre . (2020) Psychological well-being among older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak: a comparative study of the young–old and the old–old adults.  0.72 42 12
Carrera, Pilar, Caballero, Amparo, Fernández Sedano, Itziar y Muñoz, Dolores . (2017) Abstractness leads people to base their behavioral intentions on desired attitudes.  0.70 50 16
Caballero González, Amparo, Itziar, Fernández Sedano, Laforet, Bronwyn y Carrera Levillain, Pilar . (2024) The Link between Abstract Thinking Style and Subjective Well-Being: Its Impact when People are in (Real or Perceived) Financial Scarcity.  0.65 43 12
García-Franco,Jose D., Díez, Francisco J. y Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Angel . (2022) Probabilistic graphical model for the evaluation of the emotional and dramatic personality disorders.  0.62 55 16
Igartua, Juan-José, Moral-Toranzo, Félix y Fernández Sedano, Itziar . (2011) Cognitive, Attitudinal, and Emotional Effects of News Frame and Group Cues, on Processing News About Immigration.  0.60 41 9
Fernández Abascal, Enrique G. y Martín Díaz, María Dolores . (2023) One Year of COVID-19 in Spain, Longitudinal Study on Mental and Physical Health.  0.52 49  
Caprara, Mariagiovanna, Zuffianò, Antonio, Contreras Felipe, Antonio y et al. . (2023) The protective role of positivity and emotional self-efficacy beliefs in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.  0.52 45 29
Filipa M.B., Lã, Fiuza, Mauro B. y Ardura, Diego . (2023) Development and Validation of the Singing Voice Function Self-Efficacy Scale (Singing-VoSES).  0.52 84 48
Sanjuán, Pilar, Magallares, Alejandro, Arranz, Henar y Castro, Almudena . (2022) A longitudinal study on coping and emotional well-being in cardiac patients.  0.52 53 26
Sánchez Hernández, Milagros Ocalin, Carrasco, Miguel A. y Holgado-Tello, Francisco Pablo . (2021) Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Spanish Children and Adolescents: An Exploration of Comorbidity from the Network Perspective.  0.52 45 17