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Teira Serrano, David . (2008) Review of A. Klamer, Speaking of Economics.  1.09 737 702
Vázquez Alonso, Víctor J. . (2014) Welfare state and judicial review. Aproximación a una teoría «posible» del estado social en el federalismo = Welfare State and Judicial Review.  1.02 554 214
Sáez López, José Manuel . (2013) Reviews and Practice of College Students Regarding Access to Scientific Knowledge: a case study in two spanish universities.  0.99 481 65
Gallardo, Marta y Cocero Matesanz, David (2023). Using the European CORINE Land Cover Database: A 2011–2021 Specific Review. En Using the European CORINE Land Cover Database: A 2011–2021 Specific Review (pp. -) Springer.  0.99 75  
Cruces, Francisco . (2002) “Dancing with the Virgin. Body and Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico” (Book Review).  0.97 459 378
Teira Serrano, David . (2008) Review of D. MacKenzie, An Engine, not a Camera. How Financial Models Shape Markets.  0.91 755 424
Sáez López, José Manuel y Rodriguez Torres, Javier . (2016) Reviews of Educational Policy regarding one laptop per child: Escuela 2.0 program in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.  0.85 319 57
Cabanas, Edgar y González-Lamas, Jara . (2022) A critical review of positive education: challenges and limitations.  0.85 45 80
Oubiña Barbolla, Sabela . (2014) Revisión, trascendencia constitucional y memoria histórica = Appeal by review, constitutional relevance and historical memory.  0.82 708 378
Miguélez Medina, Juan Manuel . (2013) Revisión del marco jurídico comunitario del ferrocarril: la Directiva refundición = Review of the European legal framework on railways: Recast Directive.  0.81 966 303
Osuna Nevado, Carmen . (2012) En torno a la educación intercultural : una revisión crítica = Intercultural education : a critical review.  0.81 2482 2112
Sellés, Juan Fernando . (2013) El amor: ¿pasión, sentimiento, estado? revisión de relevantes tesis del s. XX = Love: passion, emotion, frame of mind? review of some relevant thesis of XX century.  0.81 559 12444
San-Mateo-Valdehíta, Alicia . (2015) A review of key recent studies on effectiveness of vocabulary learning tasks in L2.  0.81 48 9
García Vicuña, Aida (2020). Data-Driven Learning in the Context of the EFL Classroom: A Systematic Review for the Period 2016-2019,Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filología. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas.  0.81 508 820
Rodríguez Moya, Laura and Fernández Belinchón, Cristina . (2013) Psicoterapia cognitivo analítica y trastornos de la personalidad : revisión = Cognitive analitic psychotherapy and personality disorders : review.  0.81 541 295
Fernández Segado, Francisco . (2011) La Judicial review en la pre-Marshall Court.  0.81 689 725
García Ruiz, María José . (1996) Informe Dearing: Review of Qualificationsfor 16-19 Years Old. Full Reppert.  0.81 456 141
Polanco Polanco, Adrián . (2014) Revisión crítica del constitucionalismo en el Estado Mexicano = Critical review of the Mexican state constitutionalism.  0.81 562 395
Herrero de la Fuente, Alberto . (2012) La revisión de los tratados constitutivos = The EU founding treaties procedure review.  0.81 493 161
Costa, Pedro J. M., Lario, Javier y Reicherter, Klaus (2022). Tsunami Deposits in Atlantic Iberia: A Succinct Review. En Tsunami Deposits in Atlantic Iberia: A Succinct Review (pp. -) Springer nature.  0.79 431  
Heradio Gil, Rubén, Fernández Amorós, David José, Cerrada, José A. y Abad, Ismael . (2013) A literature review on feature diagram product counting and its usage in software product line economic models.  0.79 743 445
Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia, Mendieta Aragón, Adrián y Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel . (2023) Drones in Hospitality and Tourism: A literature review and research agenda.  0.78 64 27
Anaya, Antonio R., Luque, Manuel, Letón, Emilio y Hernández-del-Olmo, Félix . (2019) Automatic assignment of reviewers in an online peer assessment task based on social interactions.  0.78 67 33
Silva, Anabela G., Filipa M.B., Lã y Afreixo, Vera . (2015) Pain prevalence in instrumentalist musicians: a systematic review.  0.73 59 48
Cabaleiro, Manuel, Conde, Borja, González-Gaya, Cristina y Barros, Brais . (2023) Removable, Reconfigurable, and Sustainable Steel Structures: A State-of-the-Art Review of Clamp-Based Steel Connections.  0.73 36 8
Sáez López, José Manuel, Ruiz Ruiz, Jose María y Cacheiro González, Maria-Luz . (2013) Reviews and Practice of College Students Regarding Access to Scientific Knowledge: A Case Study in Two Spanish Universities.  0.73 631 179
Salas Tovar, Ernesto . (2011) El elemento indígena en los recintos-torre de la comarca de La Serena (Badajoz): una revisión historiográfica = The participation of the indigenous population in the construction of the cyclopean enclosures and fortifications of the county of La Serena (Badajoz): historiography review.  0.73 514 292
Fernández Uriel¸ Pilar, Alviz Fernández, Marco and España Chamorro, Sergio . (2013) Reseñas = Reviews.  0.73 561 160
Egido, Inmaculada . (2014) Veinte años de Educación Comparada en España : un repaso a las publicaciones del periodo 1994-2014 = Twenty years of Comparative Education in Spain : a review of publications in the 1994-2014 period.  0.73 468 440
Sánchez-Teruel, David and Robles-Bello, Mª Auxiliadora . (2013) Inclusión como clave de una educación para todos: revisión teórica = Inclusion as key to education for all: a theoretical review.  0.73 742 1078
Goikoetxea Iraola, Edurne and Martínez Pereña, Naroa . (2015) Los beneficios de la lectura compartida de libros : breve revisión = The benefits of shared book reading : a brief review.  0.73 750 388
Pérez-González, Juan Carlos . (2010) Revisión del sentido y de los contenidos de la orientación personal = Review of the sense and contents of personal counseling.  0.73 469 190
Abad Arenas, Encarnación . (2013) Reclamación de alimentos a favor de hijos mayores de edad y emancipados : revisión de su régimen jurídico, requisitos y extinción de la obligación legal = «Support payments in favour of legal age and emancipated children : review of legal regulation, requirements and expiry of legal duty.  0.73 1035 13334
LLave Montiel, Miguel Ángel de la. A Review of Spatial Probit Models: Estimation, Model Selection and Applications Focused on Human Behavior . 2022. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Economía Interuniversitario  0.73 278 112
Risquez, Angélica . (2011) Peer electronic mentoring for transition into university : a theoretical review = La mentoría electrónica entre pares para la transición a la universidad : una revisión teórica.  0.73 617 266
Monroy, Fuensanta and Hernández Pina, Fuensanta . (2014) Factores que influyen en los enfoques de aprendizaje universitario : una revisión sistemática = Factors affecting student approaches to learning : a systematic review.  0.73 594 247
Sánchez González, Diego, Rojo Pérez, Fermina, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Vicente y Fernández Mayoralas, Gloria . (2020) Environmental and Psychosocial Interventions in Age-Friendly Communities and Active Ageing: A Systematic Review.  0.72 40 18
Fernández Gómez, Andrés A. and Velasco Ortiz, Anna . (2012) El Solutrense en Madrid (España): análisis bibliográfico y comparativo = The Solutrean in Madrid (Spain): review and comparative literature.  0.72 532 181
Magallares, Alejandro . (2017) Predictors of Social Distance Toward People with Obesity: The Role of Allophilia.  0.72 55 18
Gómez Gómez, Francisco . (2020) El arbitrismo social del Siglo de Oro español. Su significado actual..  0.69 126 21
Lario, Javier, Luque, L. de, Zazo, C., Goy, J. L., Spencer, C., Cabero. A., Dabrio, C. y et al. (2008). A review of the high energy events in the Gulf of Cadiz: tsunami vs. storm surges. En A review of the high energy events in the Gulf of Cadiz: tsunami vs. storm surges (pp. -) IGCP, Project 495.  0.68 38 17
Martínez Albertos, Pablo, Sauvan, Patrick, Bergman, J., Loughlin, M., Le Tonqueze, Y., Thompson, M. y Juárez, Rafael . (2023) Nuclear scoping analysis of ITER bioshield top lid toward its preliminary design review.  0.68 67 21
Muñoz, Marta, Rovira, Antonio y Montes, María José . (2021) Thermodynamic Cycles for Solar Thermal Power Plants: A Review.  0.68 308 581
Alonso Stuyck, Paloma, Villalón Martínez, María Jesús, Martín Cuadrado, Ana María, Artuñedo Esteban, María Carmen y López Sánchez, Laura . (2014) Recensiones = Book reviews.  0.65 558 315
García Arranz, José Julio, Collado Giraldo, Hipólito, Fernández Algaba, Milagros, Girón Abumalham, Montserrat, García Mingo, María Isabel and Mesa Hurtado, María José . (2011) La Cueva Chiquita o de Álvarez (Cañamero, Cáceres): recientes intervenciones y revisión de sus manifestaciones rupestres = The Chiquita or Álvarez Cave (Cañamero, Cáceres): recent operations and review of the rock art.  0.65 739 1140
Rico-Peña, Juan Jesús, Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel y López-Martín, Carmen . (2023) Models used to characterise blockchain features. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis.  0.63 121 35
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel y Sevilla Sevilla, Claudia . (2019) Progress in wireless technologies in hospitality and tourism.  0.63 56 37
Monago Maraña, Olga, Durán Merás, Isabel, Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio y Galeano-Díaz, Teresa . (2022) Analytical technique and chemometrics approaches in authenticating and identifying adulteration of paprika powder using fingerprints: a review..  0.63 53  
Soler-Gutiérrez, Ana-María, Pérez-González, Juan Carlos y Mayas, Julia . (2023) Evidence of emotion dysregulation as a core symptom of adult ADHD: A systematic review.  0.63 44 18
Filipa M.B., Lã y Ardura, Diego . (2022) What Voice-Related Metrics Change With Menopause? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Study.  0.63 77 47

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