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Donzellini, G. y Ponta, D.(1970) .Internet based project learning for electronics. .En: . ()  1.19 771 389
Arevalillo, Jorge M. y Navarro, Hilario . (2021) Skewness-Based Projection Pursuit as an Eigenvector Problem in Scale Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions.  1.05 48 18
Eleonora Panto(2002) .The DSchola Project. .En: . ()  1.05 477 126
Pérez-Accino Picatoste, José Ramón y Vivas Sainz, Inmaculada (2022). An Intriguing Feminine Figure in the Royal Cachette Wadi: New Findings from the C2 Project. En An Intriguing Feminine Figure in the Royal Cachette Wadi: New Findings from the C2 Project (pp. -) American University of Cairo Press.  1.02 41  
Arevalillo, Jorge M. y Navarro, Hilario . (2022) Skewness-Kurtosis Model-Based Projection Pursuit with Application to Summarizing Gene Expression Data.  0.99 47 22
Osuna-Acedo, Sara y Camarero Cano, Lucía . (2016) The ECO European Project: A New MOOC Dimension Based on an Intercreativity Environment.  0.98 675 167
Carrera, Pilar, Muñoz, Dolores, Caballero, Amparo, Fernández Sedano, Itziar y Albarracín, Dolores . (2012) The present projects past behavior into the future while the past projects attitudes into the future: How verb tense moderates predictors of drinking intentions.  0.98 39 13
Marta-Lazo, Carmen, Frau-Meigs, Divina y Osuna-Acedo, Sara . (2018) Collaborative lifelong learning and professional transfer. Case study: ECO European Project.  0.95 571 498
Arevalillo, Jorge M y Navarro, Hilario . (2020) Data projections by skewness maximization under scale mixtures of skew-normal vectors.  0.92 67 94
Bermúdez Sabel, Helena(2018) .Towards interoperability in the European poetry community (PRESENTATION). .En: Copenhagen (Denmark). ()  0.91 551 82
Osuna-Acedo, Sara, Gil Quintana, Javier y Cantillo Valero, Carmen . (2017) Open, Mobile and Collaborative Educational Experience. Case study: The European ECO Project.  0.89 618 179
Meléndez Schofield, Marc. The Theory of Coarse-Graining Without Projection Operators . 2014. niversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Física Fundamental.  0.87 493 669
Meléndez Schofield, Marc . (2014) Tesis doctorales: "The theory of coarse-graining without projection operators".  0.87 410 157
Sánchez Moreno, José, Vargas Oyarzún, Héctor y Dormido Bencomo, Sebastián . (2007) Web-based Learning Resources for Vocational Training on Control and Measurement Systems: The AutoTECH Project.  0.87 545 302
López Arandía, María Amparo . (2011) Pacificación y fundación de ciudades en la frontera: proyectos repobladores en Castilla (ss. XV-XVI) = Pacification and foundation of towns in the frontier: repopulated projects in Castile (the 15th-the 16th centuries).  0.84 578 245
de la Torre, S., Martín, S., Aguado, J. y Durán Martínez, M.J.(1970) .An interactive project-based teaching methodology in electrical engineering courses. .En: . ()  0.83 678 1587
Vivas Sainz, Inmaculada . (2019) Un análisis comparativo de los grafitis en la zona tebana: paisaje, ubicación e intencionalidad en los grafitis figurativos del C2 Project. The Royal Cache Wadi Survey.  0.82 36 16
Martínez-Mingo, Alejandro, Jorge-Botana, Guillermo, Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel y Olmos Albacete, Ricardo . (2023) Quantum projections on conceptual subspaces.  0.82 41 121
González-Blanco García, Elena(2016) .TEIScribe: A graphic tool for composing and testing TEI documents in the context of the EVI-LINHD environment. .En: Viena (Austria). ()  0.81 1063 167
Seiz, Marta . (2013) Voluntary Childlessness in Southern Europe: The Case of Spain.  0.80 57  
Martínez Mingo, Alejandro, Martínez Huertas, José Ángel, Olmos, Ricardo y Jorge Botana, Guillermo . (2024) Quantum projections on conceptual subspaces: A deeper dive into methodological challenges and opportunities.  0.78 36 13
Goig Martínez, Juan Manuel . (2013) RESEÑA DE : Vera Santos, José Manuel. Las Constituciones de España : Constituciones y otras leyes y proyectos políticos de España = The Constitutions of Spain : Constitutions and other laws and political projects of Spain. Thomson-Cívitas..  0.78 1037 2811
Álvarez Pérez, Pedro R. and López Aguilar, David . (2012) Centralidad del trabajo y estabilidad del proyecto profesional y vital = Centrality of work and stability of the life and professional project.  0.78 582 195
Miranda Santana, Cristina and Martín Pérez, Arcadia . (2009) Del Proyecto ERA a las experiencias de las Comunidades Autónomas : avances en el desarrollo de Sistemas de Reconocimiento, Evaluación y Acreditación de Competencias = Since ERA Project to Autonomic Communities : advance in the thevelopment of competences.  0.78 520 83
Curado Malta, Mariana, González-Blanco García, Elena, Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel y Rio Riande, Gimena del(2016) .Digital repertoires of poetry metrics: towards a Linked Open Data ecosystem. .En: Göttingen (Germany). ()  0.77 1132 137
Osuna-Acedo, Sara, Marta Lazo, Carmen y Frau-Meigs, Divina . (2018) From sMOOC to tMOOC, learning towards professional transference: ECO European Project.  0.77 585 285
Gómez, Francisco, Santa Marta Pastrana, Cristina y Romero, Eduardo . (2011) Multiresolution Reconstruction for Cone-Beam Tomography from Raw Data Projections Using 3D Ridgelets.  0.76 52 14
Perla, Antonio . (2011) El castillo de Embid : Señorío de Molina, Guadalajara.  0.76 754 3477
Martín García, Rodrigo, López Martín, Carmen y Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel . (2020) Collaborative Learning Communities for Sustainable Employment through Visual Tools.  0.76 93 24
González-Blanco García, Elena, Manailescu, Mara y Ros, Salvador(2016) .From syllables, lines and stanzas to linked open data: standardization, interoperability and multilingual challenges for digital humanities. .En: Salamanca. ()  0.74 1039 215
Domínguez-Figaredo, Daniel y Stoyanovich, Julia . (2023) Responsible AI literacy: A stakeholder-first approach.  0.73 76 45
Tobarra, Llanos, Utrilla, Alejandro, Robles-Gómez, Antonio, Pastor-Vargas, Rafael y Hernández, Roberto . (2021) A Cloud Game-based Educative Platform Architecture: the CyberScratch Project.  0.73 68 19
Álvarez Saura, José Ángel, García Basallote, Manuel, García Moreno, V., García Vázquez, C. y Ory, I. de . (2002) Proyecto Brújula-Programa Tutor: orientación en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UCA = Compass Project-Tutor Program: guidance in the Science Faculty at the University of Cadiz.  0.73 619 140
Vélaz de Medrano Ureta, Consuelo, Manzano Soto, Nuria and Fernández DAndrea, Belén . (2005) Análisis de los procedimientos v criterios utilizados por Organismos Europeos Nacionales y Multilaterales para la evaluación y seguimiento de Proyectos de Investigación Educativa = Analysis of the procedures and criteria used by National and Multilateral European Institutions for the evaluation and follow-up of educational research projects.  0.73 520 288
Bermúdez Sabel, Helena, Curado Malta, Mariana y González-Blanco García, Elena(2017) .Towards Interoperability in the European Poetry Community: The Standardization of Philological Concepts. .En: Galway (Ireland). ()  0.72 722 434
Enríquez Narváez, Francisco and Blanco Sepúlveda, Rafael . (2002) El ecoturismo como estrategia de desarrollo rural en América Latina : caso de la aldea indígena Plan Grande Quehueche (Izabal, Guatemala).  0.72 746 4602
González-Blanco García, Elena . (2007) The State of Humanities in Spain.  0.72 574 104
Finlayson, Clive, Bound, Mensund, Fa, Darren A. y Lario, Javier . (2001) The underwater archaeological and historical heritage of Gibraltar.  0.70 227 201
Álvarez Palenzuela, Vicente Ángel . (2014) El creciente malestar de las Cortes Castellanas ante la invasión de la vida municipal por la nobleza (1433-1435) = The growing dissatisfaction of the Castilian Cortes with the invasion of municipal life by the nobility (1433-1435).  0.70 659 217
Duque Zumajo, Diego. Nanoscale hydrodynamics near solids . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.70 637 244
Repetto Talavera, Elvira, Mudarra Sánchez, Mª José, Manzano Soto, Nuria, Uribarri González, Maite and Vélaz de Medrano Ureta, Consuelo . (2009) Acreditación de competencias de los orientadores profesionales en contextos no escolares : El Proyecto Europeo EAS (European Accreditation Scheme) = Accreditation of career guidance practitiones working outside the school context : European Project EAS.  0.69 674 200
Comella Gutiérrez, Beatriz . (2011) Social psychology at the Royal School of St Elizabeth in Madrid.  0.67 715 196
Sáez López, José-Manuel, Miyata, Yoshiro y Domínguez-Garrido, Mª Concepción . (2016) Creative Coding and Intercultural Projects in Higher Education: a Case Study in Three Universities.  0.67 650 74
Español, Pep, Torre, J. A. de la y Duque-Zumajo, D. . (2019) Solution to the plateau problem in the Green-Kubo formula.  0.67 35 30
Martínez, María . (2018) From the Subjected Subject to the Vulnerable Subject: An Unfinished Discussion in Contemporary Spanish Feminisms.  0.67 50  
Sepúlveda, Eurico de, Mata, Vanessa da and Ferreira, Marisol . (2013) O espólio da encosta do Lado Ocidental do Castelo de Alcácer do Sal (LOCAS) Alentejo, Portugal : a terra sigillata de tipo itálico decorada e marcas de oleiro II (Um projecto de João Carlos Faria) = Samian ware of the western slope of the Castle of Alcácer do Sal (LOCAS), Alentejo, Portugal : stamps and decorated Italian terra sigillata – II (A long term project of João Carlos Faria).  0.66 561 282
Curado Malta, Mariana, Bermúdez Sabel, Helena, Baptista, Ana Alice y González-Blanco García, Elena(2018) .Validation of a metadata application profile domain model. .En: Porto (Portugal). ()  0.66 676 95
Alberdi Collantes, Juan Cruz . (2001) Agricultura de montaña en el País Vasco. Balance de una década.  0.66 669 673
Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel, Vicente Vírseda, Juan Antonio, Martín García, Rodrigo y González Arias, Julio . (2018) Innovation in the University: Perception, Monitoring and Satisfaction.  0.66 51 17
Español, Pep . (2023) Statistical mechanics of the GENERIC framework under external forcing.  0.65 54 22

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