Search Results (All Fields:"weighting", Date:" [2023\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2023\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Magallares, Alejandro, Recio, Patricia, Jáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio, Benito del Valle, Pilar, Irles, José Antonio y Hymowitz, Genna . (2023) Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Weight-Related Abuse Questionnaire (WRAQ).  1.04 75 23
Arevalillo, Jorge M. y Navarro, Hilario . (2023) New Insights on the Multivariate Skew Exponential Power Distribution.  0.76 74 22
Pinos, Helena, Sánchez-Serrano, Ricardo, Collado, Paloma y et al. . (2023) Activity-based anorexia alters hypothalamic POMC and orexin populations in male rats.  0.67 58 24
Fabregat, Hermenegildo, Duque, Andrés, Martinez-Romo, Juan y Araujo, Lourdes . (2023) Negation-based transfer learning for improving biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction.  0.67 47 18
García Pérez, Alfonso . (2023) A New Estimator: Median of the Distribution of the Mean in Robustness.  0.61 66 19
Martínez Albertos, Pablo, Sauvan, Patrick, Bergman, J., Loughlin, M., Le Tonqueze, Y., Thompson, M. y Juárez, Rafael . (2023) Nuclear scoping analysis of ITER bioshield top lid toward its preliminary design review.  0.55 67 21
Martínez-Herrada, Antonio, Paz, Ana de y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2023) Socialization, and its modulation by sex, on the development and recovery of activity-based anorexia in rats.  0.55 63 15