De Kant a Kuhn, acotando por Putnam

Alvarez Alvarez, José Francisco . (2004) De Kant a Kuhn, acotando por Putnam. Éndoxa (18), 2004, p. 495-519. ISSN: 1133-5351

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Título De Kant a Kuhn, acotando por Putnam
Autor(es) Alvarez Alvarez, José Francisco
Resumen Our aim in this paper is to trace in some detall the deep influence of Kant's epistemology on T.S. Kuhn's model of scientific change, specially on the kind ofrealism this model presupposes. In order to do this, we highlight the hard core thesis of what H. Putnam (1981) has called «intemal realism» —a kind of kantian realism— and then we try to show the strong resemblance between these thesis and Kuhn's ontological commitments. Last, we point to some advantages this kantian perspective offers in the way to construct a more adequate notion of objectivity and rationality
Editor(es) UNED
Fecha 2004-01-01
Formato application/pdf
Cobertura 495
Publicado en la Revista Éndoxa (18), 2004, p. 495-519. ISSN: 1133-5351
Idioma spa
Versión de la publicación publishedVersion
Tipo de recurso Article
Derechos de acceso y licencia
Tipo de acceso Acceso abierto

Tipo de documento: Artículo de revista
Collections: Endoxa. Año 2004, n. 18
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Creado: Wed, 02 Jul 2008, 06:54:06 CET